MySQL Community Server 8.3

MySQL Community Server 8.3

Free View, edit, manage, and monitor databases
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8.3 See all
Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

Access databases, monitor and adjust MySQL settings. Keep track of the status of MySQL replication, tweak the application code parameters, work with dynamic queries and database schemas that generate statistics about server execution and query performance.

MySQL is a relational database management system. The program runs as a server providing access to the databases. MySQL 's source code is available under terms of the GPL License, that means you can download it and use for free. If you want support and training by the company, you can contact them. You can have it up to date with tools for upgrading and configuring MySQL. Monitoring and adjusting MySQL settings that will tune, scale and maintain performance. In production, you can setting-up and monitor the status of MySQL replication with a simple and easy to use interface. Application code, database schemas and dynamic queries can be tunned up if you experience performance issues.
As a counterpart, MySQL 5.1 has some known bugs in addition to the present in version 5.0. Critical bugs sometimes do not get fixed for long periods of time. Also it shows poor performance when used for Data Warehousing; this is partly due to inability to take advantage of a cluster of CPU cores for processing a single query. Despite all this, this is the preferred database for web developers.

FG Senior editor
Fernando Gamba
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Multiple storage engines
  • Partial Unicode support
  • Replication with one master per slave


  • Critical bugs sometimes do not get fixed for long periods of time
  • MySQL 5.1 has 20 known bugs
  • Shows poor performance when used for Data Warehousing

Comments (3)

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my computer just got some impotant updates, but now i see that the more updates i get, the less storage i have in my hard drive and in my computer, so i try to delete these updates but it still wont restore my computer and hard drive storag.
Do you know how to restore my computer and my hard drives storage, please contact me through the computer if you have a soulution thanks! From: Ray Gordon

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My help to you.
Take CD/DVD of an operating system linux or ubunt then put it to the cd room after doing that reboot it and will display all your partions. Then open them to backup to your external disk or any external storage drive.

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It is goog

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